Monday, 6 February 2012

What I’m Into

I like to volunteer.  When I volunteer it makes me feel accomplished, like I’m doing something important. It is a great way for me to reach out and connect a little to the people of  both the community I live in and my school community. To me it is a great way to stay involved with what happens in the current world around you. I am involved in a number of ways. For instance I am on my school’s student council. I am the current president! My fellow student voted me on this council and appointed me the president. I specifically like this activity because it allows me to have a little say on what is going on for the students and help organize an more enjoyable environment in the school for the students. It allows me to find ways to get the people who don’t like school more involved. It allows me to connect to the students and figure out what they want to do and not be as clichéd or repetitive in the activities that are done at my school for the students.
            I am also involved in my schools SADD(Students Against Drunk Driving) group. This is very important to me, I believe drunk driving is an on going issue in Canada and even to some extent locally. This is a great way to spread awareness of the issue to people around the local communities. I feel like I am doing a little favor to society when the group does various campaigns to spread awareness of the issue. I also volunteer in my schools breakfast program. I serve breakfast to the students of my school. This makes me feel very good. Simply because of the smiles and happy faces you see when the students come to get juice or toast. It really makes you smile and appreciate things, when you see that they become so happy from it.
            I also occasionally volunteer at my local Anglican church as a reader and sides person. I also help with various activities that my church organizes. My family was always involved in the local church and I just followed suit really with helping around it.
I also volunteer at lunch times in the gym to help the teacher with sports for the elementary. I show the children how to play the sport right and all about the rules. I also referee for them and watch them play there sports. I have also refereed a couple volleyball games to help my gym teacher and gain valuable experience for later in life. I do a bit of this volunteering for my career development class but would other do it even if I never had the class.. It is very enjoyable and makes me feel really good when I do it.